Representatives of the Center for Europe and the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw visited the University of Sarajevo

Representatives of the Center for Europe and the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw visited the University of Sarajevo today, where they met with the rector, prof. dr. Rifat Škrijelj. The meeting was attended by prof. dr. Artur Adamczyk from the Center for Europe, prof. dr. Marko Babić from the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw and prof. dr. Mehmedin Tahirović, visiting professor at the University of Warsaw, and mr. sci. Adnan Rahimić, senior expert associate for international cooperation at the University of Sarajevo.
Emphasizing the comprehensiveness of the University of Sarajevo, rector prof. dr. Rifat Škrijelj presented its history, development, activities, research work and infrastructure, and referred to the successful cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and the University of Warsaw. He emphasized that the cooperation so far has been realized through various projects and the Erasmus+ program. In addition, the University of Sarajevo has so far hosted twenty students from the University of Warsaw, while 40 students from the University of Sarajevo spent a period of mobility at the University of Warsaw.
Prof. Dr. Artur Adamczyk presented the Center for Europe of the University of Warsaw, established in October 1991 as one of the first institutions of its kind in Poland. The center is an autonomous interfaculty institute specializing in European Studies. The Centre for Europe focuses its research and teaching activities on political, economic, legal, as well as cultural and social aspects of European development, within an interdisciplinary framework.
Possible forms of cooperation between the Center for Europe and the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw with the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevowere discussed at the meeting, with a focus on cooperation on joint projects and publishing.
The meeting ended with the expressed hope that the cooperation between the Center for Europe and the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw with the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo will develop further, and be the starting point for the signing of a bilateral agreement on academic cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and the University in Warsaw. After the meeting, representatives of the Center for Europe and the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw visited the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo.