Prof. Dr. Abdulah Gagić received the Golden Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Slovenia for Innovation and Method

Prof. dr. Abdulahu Gagiću uručeno Zlatno priznanje

At the 24th annual conference of the Pomurje-Slovenia Society, the ceremony of awarding the Pomurje Chamber of Innovation awards in 2018 was held. This award represents the most prestigious economic award and the highest recognition for innovative achievements.
This year, one of the two golden awards was given to Prof. Dr. Abdulah Gagić from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Sarajevo for innovation: Method of prevention and probiotics Actiferm. This is Professor Gagić's third prize awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Slovenia.

Prof. dr. Abdulahu Gagiću uručeno Zlatno priznanje