Third-Year Students of the Sociology Department at the Faculty of Political Sciences UNSA Visit the Boris Divković Foundation

Studenti treće godine prvog ciklusa studija Odsjeka za sociologiju Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA posjetili su Fondaciju Boris Divković

As part of the instructional activities for the course Sociology of Organizations, third-year students from the Sociology Department at the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Political Sciences visited the Boris Divković Foundation, accompanied by their professor, Dr. Sarina Bakić.


We were warmly welcomed by Adi Škaljić, the Executive Director of the Foundation, along with his colleagues Haris Bojčić, the Project Coordinator, and Smail Lokvančić, the Project Assistant. In the warm and friendly atmosphere fostered by our hosts, the Boris Divković Foundation was presented to enhance our understanding of organizations of this nature, their structure, leadership, operational methods, and organizational sustainability. The discussion also encompassed non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on their challenges, successes, public image, and the future of NGOs, particularly the impacts of various political events on civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region, Europe, and the world.


Lina Taifour, third-year student, Sociology Department

Studenti treće godine prvog ciklusa studija Odsjeka za sociologiju Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA posjetili su Fondaciju Boris Divković
Studenti treće godine prvog ciklusa studija Odsjeka za sociologiju Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA posjetili su Fondaciju Boris Divković
Studenti treće godine prvog ciklusa studija Odsjeka za sociologiju Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA posjetili su Fondaciju Boris Divković
Studenti treće godine prvog ciklusa studija Odsjeka za sociologiju Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA posjetili su Fondaciju Boris Divković