Participation of faculty of the Faculty of Architecture of UNSA at the 4th Biennial for Research in Architecture VIBRarch in Valencia with the aim of strengthening capacities for applying for EU research funds

As part of the program for strengthening capacities for applying for EU research funds co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, Assoc. Prof. Senka Ibrišimbegović and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nermina Zagora, participated in the international biennial VIBRarch (4th Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture) dedicated to research in architecture from 13-15/11/2024. The biennial was held in Valencia and was organized by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València). The theme of this edition of the Biennial is “Wellbeing for All”, it brings together research that seeks to contribute to as many people as possible, with an ethical approach and care for the Planet. The main objectives of the Biennial are focused on research that improves the quality of life and social well-being, promoting interdisciplinarity and strengthening networks between universities and different professions. The Biennial is open to architects, researchers, professionals and students working in architecture or related fields, and promotes social responsibility and a multidisciplinary approach in architecture.
As part of the morning online session entitled “City, Territory and Landscape”, Assoc. Prof. Nermina Zagora and Assoc. Prof. Senka Ibrišimbegović presented their paper on the topic “Street will tear us apart: Alternative scenarios for the urban transformation of the cultural quartier in Sarajevo”. This paper presents the results of the scientific research project “Background”, supported by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton. The focus of the research is the activation of the public space of the museum district, as an alternative approach to the planned construction of the urban transferal direction, which involves the application of the principle of placemaking (community participation) for the purpose of sustainable urban transformation of the narrower and wider locality of Marijin Dvor, Sarajevo. The session was moderated by Prof. Rafael Temes Córdovez (Universitat Politècnica de València), and other participants were Dr. Brian R. Sinclair and Farhad Mortezaee (University of Calgary, Canada) Zümrüt Şahin (Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Turkey).
The afternoon program was held on the campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where the workshop “How to design your future career as a researcher” was organized, led by Prof. Juan Serra Lluch, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
This was followed by meetings, during which Professors Zagora and Ibrišimbegović spoke with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Valencia and the main coordinator of the VIBRarch Biennial, Ivan Cabrera and Fausto, about the possibilities of cooperation between the universities of Valencia and Sarajevo through joint participation in research projects, about membership in the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education), and about mobility programs for academic staff and students.
Participation in the Fourth Biennial for Research in the Field of Architecture VIBRarch proved to be an exceptional opportunity for networking with academic staff and researchers from relevant academic institutions in Europe and the world, with the aim of strengthening capacities for applying for EU research funds. The contacts made through working meetings, interactive sessions and workshops will contribute to the creation of new consortia and new cooperation on EU projects, with a focus on sustainable development and transformation of the urban environment in the Sarajevo Canton, in correlation with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Assoc. Prof. Nermina Zagora and Assoc. Prof. Senka Ibrišimbegović from the University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Architecture presented her paper on the topic “Street will tear us apart: Alternative scenarios for the urban transformation of the cultural quartier in Sarajevo.”
Workshop “How to design your future career as a researcher”, led by Prof. Juan Serra Lluch
Meetings with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Valencia and the main coordinator of the VIBRarch Biennial Ivan Cabrera and Fausto and Prof. Juan Serra Lluch, Vice-Dean for Research