Five workshops implemented within the DIGI.EDU project

The activities of the DIGI.EDU project, which focused on the transformation of education by improving the pedagogical and digital competencies of teachers, were successfully followed with the 5 full-day workshops held in the period from October 16 to 20, 2023. The lecturer at the workshops was an eminent expert in the field of instructional design, Elizabeth Hanlis. from Canada. The workshops were attended by more than 130 participants, primarily professors and assistants from the University of Sarajevo, but also representatives of teachers and professors of pre-university education levels from Sarajevo Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton.
The workshops included various topics: active learning, creating an inclusive classroom, and didactic methods for more effective teaching. Teachers had the opportunity to learn how to use different tools and make classes not only educational but also engaging. This initiative not only encourages active learning but also supports students with difficulties and disabilities, making education more accessible. All these efforts contribute to the important process of digital transformation of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As part of the DIGI.EDU project, which was financed by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Canton Sarajevo and UNICEF, ten open-access online modules on pedagogical and digital competencies were implemented and published at https://digiedu. All modules are designed by Elizabeth Hanlis.
The workshops are also pilot activities of the Office for Professional Development at University of Sarajevo, through whose activities the University of Sarajevo will join the Balkan Network of University Pedagogy - BALKANETUP. The BALKANETUP network was established within the framework of the ERASMUS CBHE project "MANagerial and GoverNance Enhancement through Teaching" (MAGNET).