Federal Science Awards: Recognition for Outstanding Scientific and Research Achievements

Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća

At the ceremonial session of the Science Council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, held on Thursday, 12 December 2024, at the headquarters of the FBiH Government in Sarajevo, the laureates of the Federal Science Awards – the highest awards for exceptionally significant scientific achievements in the FBiH – were announced.


Laureates of Science Awards

Four outstanding scientists received awards in the following categories:


Lifetime Achievement Award – Prof. Dr. Dejan Milošević, for exceptional contribution to the field of natural sciences.

Nominated by the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Dejan Milošević is a full professor of theoretical physics and head of the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics at the same faculty. His research focuses on processes in a strong laser field. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and is the recipient of the 6th of April Award of the City of Sarajevo and the Georg Forster Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He has published over 250 papers in the Web of Science database, including co-authorships with Nobel Prize winners, and has participated in numerous projects, conferences and mentorships.


Annual Science Award – Dr. Sc. Emina Dervišević, for achievements in the field of biomedicine and health.

Dr. Sc. Emina Dervišević (Faculty of Medicine, UNSA), nominated by the Science Council, distinguished herself with significant scientific and research work in 2023, publishing publications and participating in domestic and international congresses and projects. Her work contributes to biomedical and health science, and through publications, books and projects she has influenced the improvement of the scientific community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Award for the Popularization and Promotion of Science – Prof. Dr. Adis Muminović, for the field of technical sciences.

Proposed by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Adis Muminović was recognized for his contribution to the popularization of science through lectures, media appearances, publication of scientific journals and organization of events. He stands out as the editor of the magazine "Open Source", which promotes technical sciences.


Award for young researchers - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Kondža, for results in the field of biomedicine and healthcare.

Proposed by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Mostar, Prof. Dr. Martin Kondža excels in research related to cytochrome P450 and pharmaceutical sciences. He is the author of more than 60 highly cited scientific publications and a participant and leader of numerous international and domestic projects. His work has significant applicative values ​​in pharmacotherapy and clinical outcomes.


Cash prizes and certificates for laureates


Federal science awards include cash prizes and certificates, divided into the following categories: Lifetime Achievement Award: 10,000 KM, Annual Science Award: 5,000 KM, Annual Young Researchers Award: 3,000 KM, Annual Science Popularization and Promotion Award: 2,000 KM.


With these awards, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina seeks to encourage scientific progress and recognize individuals whose work contributes to the development of science and innovation in society.


Process and criteria for awarding Federal Science Awards


Federal Science Awards are awarded by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for exceptionally significant achievements in scientific research and development activities, for expanding scientific knowledge and for demonstrated success in applying the results of scientific research and development work, achieved by scientists and researchers in the previous year.


Proposals for the award could be submitted by: academies of sciences and arts, universities and their organizational units, colleges, scientific institutions, scientific research and research and development institutes, technology parks and other legal entities registered for the performance of scientific research and research and development activities, which are headquartered in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proposals were submitted through the cantonal ministries responsible for science.


Promotion of FMON publishing activities


Along with this year's Science Day in the FBiH, the publishing activities of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science were promoted.


With the aim of providing comprehensive and systematic information on the development of BiH science and its key participants, the Ministry has prepared publications intended for a wide readership in BiH, including pupils, students and all those interested in the scientific and technological development of civilization. The publications offer basic information on various segments of scientific and technological development and highlight significant figures who have contributed to that process.


The publications promoted include:


“160 Bosnian-Herzegovinian Scientists: A Little Lexicon of Bosnian Scientists” (available in B/C/S and English).

“Science and Scientists / Znanost i znanstvenici / Наука и ванстиници: Мали лексикон”.

These publications represent a valuable contribution to the promotion of the scientific heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its accessibility to the wider public.



Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća
Federalne nagrade za nauku: Priznanje za izuzetna naučno-istraživačka dostignuća