Exhibition of Academy of Fine Arts University of Sarajevo Student Works Opened

As part of the University of Sarajevo December Days and the programs organized by the art academies, on 17 December 2024, an exhibition of the best student works of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo created in the past academic year was opened in the University Rectorate.
Vice-Rector for Arts, Artistic Research, Culture and Sports, Prof. M.A. Arma Tanović Branković, emphasized that organizing an exhibition of student works of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo is a practice that has been going on for decades. “It is customary that in December we always exhibit the best works of students of the Academy of Fine Arts, selected by their professors,” emphasized Vice-Rector Tanović Branković and added: “As every year, we witness the subversive and exploratory character of art works in various media from all departments of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo, which speak of the courageous reflections of students of the Academy on art and contemporary artistic trends.” She also reminded that as part of the December Days Celebrations, the concert “Monochromophonia” was held at the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo, and the exhibition of assistant professor M.Sc. Lee Jerlagić entitled “Intima” was opened at the Academy of Fine Arts. On Wednesday 18 December, a concert by the Ugričić-Hayami duo will be held at the Academy of Music, and the play “Dear Dad” by Milena Bogavac will be performed at the Sarajevo War Theater (SARTR).
Prof. M.Sc. Daniel Premec, vice dean for teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo, emphasized the exceptional importance of organizing an exhibition of student works. “This exhibition is extremely important because it represents the work of our students created during the previous academic year. It's wonderful to see how the tradition has been maintained for more than three decades, since the time when I was a student myself,” said Vice Dean Premec. Speaking about the importance of the exhibition for students, he emphasized that it represents one of the most important opportunities for their professional affirmation. “This exhibition is a kind of springboard and a valuable reference for the beginning of their career,” he added. Students from all six departments of the Academy of Fine Arts presented their works at the exhibition, confirming the richness and variety of creative work.