75 Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Sarajevo

75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu

On 28 November 2024, a ceremonial session of the Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was held, marking the central event of the Program commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment and successful endeavors of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, honoring our tradition, accomplishments, and vision for the future. The prestigious gathering brought together deans and vice-deans from veterinary faculties across the region, distinguished members of the academic community, representatives of government and civil society, as well as students, partners, and friends of our faculty.


Following a brief introduction and the performance of the national anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the choir from the Vrhbosna Theological Seminary rendered the academic hymn “Gaudeamus igitur.”


Prof. Dr. Muhamed Smajlović, Dean of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, emphasized in his speech that this moment transcends a mere celebration; it is an acknowledgment of a rich legacy and the dedication of countless generations that have laid the foundations and nurtured the growth of our Faculty.


“On 4 August 1949, the government of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina made the decision to establish the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Since then, our faculty has become more than just an educational institution – it stands as the cornerstone of the veterinary profession in our country, a pillar of academic excellence, and a partner in the advancement of our society. The first rector of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Vaso Butozan, was one of our professors, further underscoring the faculty's role in the development of the academic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Throughout these 75 years, our professors, researchers, and students have tirelessly worked to enhance veterinary medicine, food safety, and animal health, contributing to the quality of life in our community. Their commitment and efforts have shaped our institution into a leader in veterinary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Our mission remains unchanged – to educate professionals who are prepared to meet the challenges of the future. Veterinary medicine today plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health, protecting the environment, and ensuring food safety. As educators, we have the privilege of shaping young individuals who will be the bearers of these responsibilities. Our duty extends beyond imparting scientific knowledge; we must also instill values – dedication, integrity, and responsibility towards society.


As we reflect on the past 75 years, we can take pride in all that we have achieved. Yet, we must also be mindful of the challenges that lie ahead. Our vision remains clear – continuous development, enhancement of educational quality, research, and contributions to the community. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will continue to be a bastion of excellence, innovation, and partnership, open to the world and dedicated to the progress of the veterinary profession.

In conclusion, I wish to extend my gratitude to everyone – faculty members, students, administrative personnel, and partners, who have contributed to our faculty becoming what it is today. Your efforts, energy, and vision form the bedrock of our success. I also thank our community for the trust and support it has extended to us.


May this jubilee serve as an inspiration for future achievements and a reminder of our important mission. Thank you for being part of this great story, the story of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.”


Prof. Dr. Tarik Zaimović, UNSA Rector, in his address reflected on the rich tradition of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting that the foundations of education were laid as early as the 16th century. He particularly underscored the vital role of the University in preserving and developing Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, especially during the most arduous periods, such as the war, when the University symbolized resilience and commitment to education. He also mentioned the significant role of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as one of the initial members of the University of Sarajevo.


“This jubilee exemplifies yet another mark of success for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the entire University of Sarajevo. With heartfelt congratulations on 75 years of remarkable accomplishments, I wish you continued success in your professional endeavors and hope that within the integrated University, you achieve even greater results in the future.”


Following the rector's address, the female vocal ensemble “Corona” performed the traditional Bosnian-Herzegovinian song “Narandža.”


After the musical segment, Prof. Dr. Muhamed Smajlović, Dean of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, presented certificates, plaques, and letters of appreciation for outstanding contributions to the work of the Faculty.

The CHARTER of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is awarded for special merits and contributions to the advancement of the scientific, educational, and professional endeavors of the Faculty, as well as for exceptional contributions to veterinary science and collaboration with the economy both domestically and internationally, to:

  • Academician Emeritus Dr. Sci. Muhidin Hamamdžić,
  • Emeritus Prof. Dr. Sci. Faruk Čaklovica, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Nihad Fejzić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Almedina Zuko, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Jasmin Omeragić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Teufik Goletić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Aida Kavazović, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;


The PLAQUE of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is awarded for special merits and contributions from prominent scientists and educational-scientific institutions for exceptional contributions to the scientific-research, educational, and professional activities of the Faculty, to:

  • Prof. Dr. Lidija Kozačinski, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia,
  • Prof. Dr. Andrej Kirbiš, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia,
  • Prof. Dr. Lazo Pendovski, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University “St. Cyril and Methodius,” Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia,
  • Dr. Sci. Vesna Đorđević, Institute for Hygiene and Meat Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
  • Prof. Dr. Vedad Škapur, Faculty of Agriculture and Food, University of Sarajevo,
  • Prof. Dr. Faruk Tandir, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Ms. Sci. Eva Pašić-Juhas, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia,
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia,
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University “St. Cyril and Methodius,” Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia,
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
  • Ministry of Economy of the Sarajevo Canton;

The LETTER OF APPRECIATION of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is awarded for a special contribution to the work, reputation, and status of the Faculty through notable dedication and creativity, to:

  • Prof. Dr. Sci. Verica Mrvić, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
  • Dr. Sci. Adem Salihagić, PZU “MedicoOral-AS,” Bihać,
  • Prim. Dr. Med. Goran Čerkez, Federal Ministry of Health of BiH,
  • Prof. Dr. Sekib Umihanić, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla,
  • Emeritus Prof. Dr. Sci. Josip Kmić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Emeritus Prof. Dr. Sci. Velija Katica, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Milena Mihaljević, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Danica Hasanbašić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Šemso Pašić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Prof. Dr. Dženita Hadžijunuzović – Alagić, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Clinic for Surgery, Anesthesia, and Resuscitation, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Ms. Igbala Kobiljak, B.A. Ecc., University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Ms. Nada Đapo, B.A. Ecc., University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Veterinary Inspection Inspectorate of the Sarajevo Canton,
  • Council of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism of BiH,
  • Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo “Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo”,
  • Student Association of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
  • National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo,
  • Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas,
  • Sarajevo Canton, “Brovis d.d.,” Visoko,
  • Veterinary Station “Ketti” d.o.o., Sarajevo,
  • Veterinary Station d.o.o. Foča,
  • Veterinary Station DI-VET, Ilijaš,
  • TIM VET Quadrant d.o.o. veterinary station, Sarajevo,
  • Public Veterinary Station d.o.o., Breza,
  • Public Veterinary Station Visoko, d.o.o.,
  • Veterinary Clinic Vetanova, East Sarajevo,
  • Veterinary Clinic IN VET Sandra Uzunović s.p., Srebrenica,
  • ZASE-VET d.o.o., Visoko,
  • Sanitacija d.o.o., Sarajevo,
  • D-Inžinjering d.o.o., Sarajevo,
  • Sena 99 d.o.o., Visoko,
  • Hacienda de la Vida d.o.o., Kiseljak,
  • Farma-EURO d.o.o., Vitez,
  • Fish Hatchery SD EKO-FISH, Glogošnica,
  • Association of Hunting Organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo,
  • Hunting Society Bjelašnica, Hadžići,
  • Hunting Society Zec, Ilijaš,
  • Hunting Association Igman, Ilidža,
  • Hunting Association Srednje, Srednje,
  • Hunting Organization Lane, Vogošća,
  • Hunting Association Sarajevo, Sarajevo,
  • Hunting Association “Trnovo”,
  • Beekeeping of the Čolić Family.


After the presentation of charters, plaques, and letters of appreciation, the representative of the youngest graduating class, Arman Hodžić, DVM, addressed the audience.


Just before the conclusion of the program, Prof. Dr. Muhamed Smajlović, Dean of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, awarded prizes to the top students for their achievements during the past academic 2023/2024 year:


  • Nejra Smajiš, for the highest achieved average of 9.25 for the first year of study in the academic 2023/2024 year;
  • Merjema Hadžibajramović, for the highest achieved average of 9.77 for the second year of study in the academic 2023/2024 year;
  • Berina Šljivo, for the highest achieved average of 9.69 for the third year of study in the academic 2023/2024 year;
  • Ajla Bešić, for the highest achieved average of 9.64 for the fourth year of study in the academic 2023/2024 year;
  • Arman Hodžić, for the highest achieved average of 10.00 for the fifth year of study in the academic 2023/2024 year.


In closing, Prof. Dr. Jasmin Ferizbegović addressed the audience, presenting a commemorative gift to Dean Prof. Dr. Muhamed Smajlović on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Faculty.


A gallery of photographs can be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/vfs.unsa.ba

75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
75 godina Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu