International cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb

Veterinarski fakultet

Project "Innovative functional lamb products"
Croatian Science Foundation IP-2016-06-368


The Croatian Science Foundation has undertaken the obligation to finance the research project IP-2016-06-3685 "Innovative functional lamb products" in the period from 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2023 (48 months, dormancy for 12 months, i.e. from February 29, 2020 to March 1, 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic). The project leader is Maja Popović from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, R. Croatia. Along with the leader, 17 scientists from the Republic of Croatia (Faculty of Veterinary and Agronomy, University of Zagreb) and from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prof.Dr.Sc. Amina Hrković-Porobija from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo.

The goal of the HRZZ research project is the production of lamb with lower fat and cholesterol content, and from such lamb the production of functional healthy products based on innovative solutions in technological production processes. In addition, the aim of the previously scientifically proven recommendations on the safe and effective introduction of the preparation of the noble mushroom Agaricus bisporus in poultry and pigs is to confirm the model of Lika pramenka lamb (which was not known until the beginning of the project), while creating a new market product (lamb with lower fat and cholesterol content-project innovation). We have not noticed scientifically based recommendations such as the goal and purpose of the Project in the recent scientific and professional literature. Therefore, during the research we are guided by our previous experiences of applying the noble mushroom preparation on models of monogastric animals.

From all the above research of the project of the Croatian Science Foundation IP-2016-06-3685 "Innovative functional lamb products" will have:

  • scientifically proven applicable value for noble mushroom as a natural functional supplement to the daily meal for lambs from which a commercially new and innovative product in the form of functional human food will be presented (lamb with favorable aroma profile considering the composition of volatile compounds originating from noble mushroom); 
  • scientifically justified transfer of the obtained results to the economy, i.e. scientific recommendations for new solutions for the establishment of uniform breeding systems in sheep breeding, environmentally friendly and protective for the health of lambs in production, which will be compatible with EU regulations, economically justified and therefore acceptable for markets in the country and abroad in the public (consumers), public health (population) and agricultural sectors (producers of lamb, breeding mushrooms/animal feed).

The Association of Croatian Innovators awarded the project a silver medal for innovations in agriculture, food industry and agricultural machinery at the 11th International Fair of Innovations in Agriculture, Food Industry and Agricultural Machinery held in Karlovac from 25 to 27 April 2019 in Karlovac.



Continuation of cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo is planned through the preparation of a monograph on pramenka. Due to the intensification of agricultural production and poorer reproductive characteristics, today the cultivation of pramenka has been suppressed and limited more to the area of southern Europe, mostly in the Balkans.

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For this reason, the production of the monograph represents the cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.