Student works - Painting II, Drawing II, Painting IV

Studentski radovi - Slikanje II, Crtanje II, Slikanje IV

Predmet Slikanje II se izučava na trećoj godini Odsjeka slikarstvo i na trećoj godini Odsjeka grafički Dizajn (izborni predmet), predmet Crtanje II - na prvoj godini Odsjeka slikarstvo i predmet Slikanje IV -  na četvrtoj godini Odsjeka grafički dizajn (izborni predmet) u klasi doc. mr. Nataliyi Salikhovich.

Unatoč karantinu koji je uzrokovan pojavom koronavirusa (COVID 19) nismo prekinuli realizaciju nastave, nego uspostavili komunikaciju sa studentima i nastavili rad saglasno nastavnom programu preko interneta.

Ograničena sredstva i uslovi nisu spriječili studente da rade. U svrhu proširenja spoznajnih, kreativnih i tehnoloških mogućnosti, osim korištenja klasičnog slikarskog i crtačkog medija, studentima je bila pruže

The subject Painting II is studied in the third year of the Department of Painting and in the third year of the Department of Graphic Design (elective subject), the subject Drawing II - in the first year of the Department of Painting and the subject Painting IV - in the fourth year of the Department of Graphic Design (elective subject) in class of Doz. Mr. Sc. Nataliya Salikhovich.

Despite the quarantine caused by the appearance of coronavirus (COVID 19), we did not interrupt the implementation of teaching, but established communication with students and continued to work in accordance with the curriculum over the Internet.

Limited resources and conditions did not prevent students from working. In order to expand cognitive, creative and technological possibilities, in addition to the use of classical painting and drawing media, students were given the opportunity to use different materials, as well as digital painting and drawing.

Their results and some of the works created as part of online teaching can be viewed in the image gallery:

First year students of the Department of Painting - Drawing II
Sara Hodžić
Arijeta Lucević
Harun Behmen
Deniz Mehinović
Emina Veladžić
Binasa Memić
Amina Jindo
Ena Kalaba
Sofija Stanarčević

III year students of the Department of Painting - Painting II
Ema Kasumagić
Hana Grozdanić
Emma Gindorf
Lamija Halać
Vyacheslav Rogov
Emina Žerić

3rd year students of the Department of Graphic Design
Azim Mandžuka
Danijela Obajdin
Admir Šljivnjak

Students of the IV year of the Department of Graphic Design
Mia Gojak
Emina Škaljić
Amina Varupa
Žana Arnautović

Majda Hrnjica (II cycle of studies)