UNSA Music Academy: A recording of the concert of guitarist Vedran Vujica published

Muzička akademija UNSA: Objavljen snimak koncerta gitariste Vedrana Vujice

The University of Sarajevo Music Academy of Sarajevo presents an online concert by guitarist Vedran Vujica, which was organized within the program of the 2020/21 Concert Season. This event was held on 23 March 2021, in the Concert Hall "Cvjetko Rihtman" (Sarajevo Music High School Hall), and due to the extremely complex epidemiological situation in the Sarajevo Canton, it was closed. Due to the fact that the current circumstances prevented the audience from attending, the recording of the concert is available to the public on the YouTube channel of the MAS Concert Season.

On this occasion, Vedran Vujica presented himself with the work of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Francisco Tárrega (1852-1909), Fernando Sor (1778-1839) and Nejc Kuhar (1987).
You can watch a recording of the concert at the following link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaCHCzZ9OZk.

Vedran Vujica
Vedran Vujica