Students in the Labor Market: New Law, New Opportunities

On Tuesday, 17 December 2024, the Office for Student Support – UPS!, in collaboration with representatives from the portal, conducted a workshop titled “Students in the Labor Market: New Law, New Opportunities.”
The aim of the workshop was to inform students about employment opportunities during their studies, particularly since the Law on Amendments to the Law on Labor in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina now recognizes occasional and temporary work while studying.
Professor Dr. Lejla Osmić discussed the transition of students from higher education to the labor market and presented findings from her research on their awareness of employment opportunities during their studies.
Aida Zejčirović, Director of the portal, provided insights into the specifics of the Law on Amendments to the Labor Law in FBiH as it pertains to student employment. Meanwhile, Dalila Žunić introduced the portal and highlighted the advantages of its use in the job-searching process. Renka Žunić emphasized the steps necessary to create a resume tailored to the experiences of students.
The workshop attracted students from various organizational units of the University of Sarajevo. Participants expressed interest and a need for ongoing activities aimed at promoting student rights and providing support throughout their studies and the transition from education to employment.