SONEMUS Fest 2024 concludes with premiere of Ališer Sijarić's composition 'Monochromophonia'

As part of this year's SONEMUS Fest, the only festival of contemporary art music in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a concert entitled “Monochromophonia” was held at the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo on 9 December 2024, featuring the Sarajevo Saxophone Quartet, composed of: Rijad Šarić (soprano/alto saxophone), Lev Pupis (alto saxophone), Mirza Sijerčić (tenor/alto saxophone) and Zoja Vuković (baritone saxophone).
The concert opened with the performance of Rijad Šarić and Mirza Sijerčić, who played the composition “Dan za dnem” for two alto saxophones by Slovenian composer Urška Pompa, followed by the performance of the work “Saxophonquartett” by the renowned Austrian composer Georg Friedrich Haas.
In the second part of the concert, the Sarajevo Saxophone Quartet premiered the composition “Monochromophonia” for saxophone quartet and live electronics by the prominent Bosnian and Herzegovinian composer Ališer Sijarić, based on microtonality (the use of musical intervals smaller than the standard division of the octave into 12 steps that create specific auditory effects).
SONEMUS Fest 2024 previously featured concerts by SONEMUS soloists and the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn.
The festival was organized by the Association of New Music - SONEMUS in cooperation with the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, the Association of Composers - Music Creators AMUS, the Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Photos by: Vanja Čerimagić