Dr. Amila Ramović Recipient of the Visegrad Scholarship for Research

Visegrad Scholarship – Vera and Doland Blinken OSA Archives

Dr. Amila Ramović, assistant professor of the University of Sarajevo Music Academy is the winner of the international grant Visegrad Scholarship - Vera and Doland Blinken OSA Archives. The awarded research project by Dr. Ramović – Art as Memory: Records of Artistic Practices during the 1992-1995 siege of Sarajevo will be implemented during 2020-2021, at the OSA Archivum – Open Society Archives at Central European University Research Institute in Budapest. 

As a contribution to the historiographical treatment of the art scene in the besieged Sarajevo, the focus of the research will be on the identification of Bosnian and international sources on the art scene in Sarajevo during the 1992-1995 period, as well as the analysis of forms in which the artistic practice presents itself as a source of knowledge on socio-cultural conditions of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and ways in which it functions as one of the mechanisms of the collective memory.