Digital edition of the magazine “Narod”(1907-1914) from the valuable funds of old periodicals in the Digital Collections of NUBBiH


At the beginning of 1907, Uroš Krulj and Jovan Malić in Mostar began publishing the magazine “Narod”, edited by Risto Radulović. The paper was published twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, in Serbian, printed in Cyrillic. From 1907 to 1908, it was printed in the “Narod” printing house in Mostar and in the “Narod” printing house in Sarajevo from 1910 to 1914.
Frequent numbering errors occurred. Individual issues were published as the first, second and third special edition, the special edition. Side dishes (Easter, Christmas ...) were frequent. Due to frequent bans due to criticism of Austrian policy, there are second and third editions of the same issues. The list's collaborators were Marko Car, Svetozar Ćorović, Vladimir Ćorović, Dragutin J. Ilić, Aleksa Šantić. In 1920, the paper was re-launched as the People. New series.
We therefore invite all users to visit our Digital Collections page:, and get access to this (NAROD 1914), and other published material that the Digital Collections of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina has.