Panel conference on enhancing cooperation between industry and academia in the telecommunications field held

A panel conference “Improving cooperation between the industry and academia in telecommunications” was organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo on 12 June 2019. It brought together lecturers from the industrial sector and academia from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region with the aim of presenting, identifying and defining ways of strengthening industrial-university cooperation in the field of telecommunications.
The gathering was opened by Prof. Dr. Aida Hodžić, Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Student Affairs at the University of Sarajevo, emphasizing that gatherings, exchange of experiences, precise cooperation and joint action of the industry and academic sector is one of the strategic goals of the University of Sarajevo with the aim of improving both higher education and labor market, especially locally.
The aim of the conference was to present engineering profession to future students as more attractive and interesting, as it became deficient, stated Prof. Dr. Miralem Mehić, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA.
He also pointed out that the conference was organized within Erasmus+ project “Strengthening the profiles of telecommunications engineers in order to meet the needs of modern society and industry” - BENEFIT funded by the European Union, and that representatives of telecom operators and faculty of telecommunications from the region took part in the conference.