EUPeace Alliance | On the future of peace, justice and inclusive societies at the University of Sarajevo

On 12 and 13 April, the University of Sarajevo hosts the following EUPeace Alliance board meetings: the Steering Committee, the Organizational Committee and the Education Committee. At these meetings, EUPeace Alliance member institutions representatives will plan guidelines for the further development of the project and develop a strategy for long-term cooperation.
The EUPeace Alliance (European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies), of which the University of Sarajevo is a proud part, is dedicated to promoting peace, justice, and inclusive societies through education, research, and field activities.
“The EUPeace Alliance is particularly focused on increasing the effects of internationalization under the prefix of fostering a peaceful, just and inclusive European society at different levels,” emphasized Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš, UNSA Vice-Rector for International Cooperation. “In this way, our University continues the long-standing tradition of inter-university cooperation for the development of a culture of dialogue and the promotion of peace” she added.
This initiative aims to shape future leaders who will face the challenges of contemporary society, promoting the fundamental values of peace, justice and inclusion. EUPeace actively promotes a culture of dialogue and negotiation and contributes to building harmonious and inclusive societies. Students also actively participate in the EUPeace Alliance. Student engagement has a key role in realizing the vision of peace, justice and inclusive societies in Europe. Students are not only important, but also necessary partners for achieving the mission of the EUPeace Alliance and for achieving positive changes in European society and beyond.
The EUPeace alliance consists of nine European universities: University of Marburg (Germany) - coordinator, Comillas Ponteficia University of Madrid (Spain), Çukurova University of Adana (Turkey), University of Giessen (Germany), University of Calabria (Italy), University of Limoges (France), University of Mostar (BiH), University of Sarajevo (BiH), University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic).
A consortium of nine universities maintains Europe's cultural and political diversity. That diversity with its challenges represents an important point of the network: respect for diversity and pluralism as the core of European values.
The EUPeace Alliance plans to transform educational programs, promote international mobility, strengthen social dialogue, improve campuses and student life, and develop and improve research hubs and doctoral studies.
Member universities want to develop innovative teaching and learning formats and joint study programs that include all disciplines (from social sciences to life sciences and engineering) and tackle current and future societal challenges in joint research and outreach projects.
For more information about the EUPeace Alliance visit the site: