Faculty of Mechanical Engineering students won the first place at the AS Innovation Challenge!

Studenti Mašinskog fakulteta osvojili prvo mjesto na AS Innovation challenge!

In early December 2018, the AS Innovation challenge was held. To the address of AS d.o.o. 30 entries were received, and in the final there were 8 who had the best ideas in solving the problems from the practice. Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Sarajevo, who gave their team a symbolic name MEF mASterovci, also found their place in these 8 teams. The team consisted of students of the second cycle of studies from the Production Technology, Automation and Robotics Department: Biogradlija Samra, Edin Hasaković and Dohranović Amela. The teams spent two days in Jelah, had the opportunity to gain some knowledge, meet with employees and feel the working atmosphere and visit the production facility.

Of the 8 teams in the finals, students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering won the first prize who received a valuable monetary prize on that occasion.

AS Innovation Challenge video: