Clinic for Internal Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Activities Improvement

Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta

Today the Clinic for Internal Diseases, UNSA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine received the new IDEXX ProCyte DX analyzer, the first and only internal hematology analyzer. ProCyte Dx analyzes 27 parameters of red and white blood counts, which is extremely important for the early identification of certain diseases and as such is currently the highest quality and most accurate hematology machine in the world. It is important to note that search results are completed in just two minutes. The dotted diagrams visually depict the complete blood count (cbc) for easier interpretation and verification of results. The results obtained include advanced five-particle differentiation of leukocytes, RETIC-HGB, the presence of non-segmented neutrophils, nucleated erythrocytes (nRBC) as well as body fluid analysis.

Some of the benefits of a ProCyte DX analyzer:

  • Working on multiple animal species: mouse, rat, rabbit, gerbil, hamster, guinea pig, NHP, game, dog, cat, horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat, llama, alpaca, camel, dolphin;
  • Low volume required: only 30 μL of anticoagulated blood is required;
  • Handling and movement: moving the sample is quick and easy; even maintenance involves simply pressing a button;
  • Results in 2 minutes: advanced five-part difference in white blood cells and absolute reticulocyte count included in 27 different blood parameters;
  • Comprehensive data management: electronic backup of raw files and export of compatible csv data (Excel);
  • Open software architecture: gating capability to generate user profiles and re-analyze samples without losing original data;
  • Body fluid analysis: Analyzes synovial, peritoneal, abdominal, thoracic fluid, and has the option “other” when using unsupported sample types;
  • Closed pipe sampling: minimizing the risk of potential contamination.
Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta
Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta
Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta
Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta
Unapređenje rada Klinike za unutrašnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta