United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) Event: HOLOCAUST AND MASS ATROCITIES EDUCATION

Memorijalni muzej holokausta SAD organizuje događaj: „Obrazovanje o holokaustu i masovnim zločinima“
Datum događaja
Mjesto događaja
Kino Meeting Point (Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13) i Filozofski fakultet (Franje Račkog 1)

In cooperation with the Educators’ Institute for Human Rights (EIHR), Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD), Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC), and the Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy 

This event will thus focus on the culture of remembrance, and direct lessons that we should use in our everyday lives and fields of work. Additionally, a two-day event of remembrance with different activities targeting a large number of direct or indirect participants carries a strong message towards the recognition of the sufferings, processes of reconciliation, and sustainable peace.