Technical Assistance Mission Workshop "Apparent and Future Trends in Higher Education in Europe and an Overview of the Higher Education Development Priority Status in BiH for the 2016-2026"

Radionica u okviru misije tehničke pomoći „Trenutni i budući trendovi visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i pregled stanja prioriteta razvoja visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine“

The BH National Erasmus+ Office, in collaboration with the University of Sarajevo and a BH expert team on higher education reform (HERE), organized a workshop Apparent and Future Trends in Higher Education in Europe and an Overview of the Higher Education Development Priority Status in BiH for the 2016-2026. The workshop lecturer was Michael Gaebel, EU expert, Director of Higher Education Policies of the European University Association - EUA. Mr. Gaebel is an expert in the Bologna Process application and implementation evaluation, as a basic higher education model in the European Union.
The workshop was held in the UNSA Faculty of Law, Conference Room on 3 December 2019.
The workshop aimed to review the achievements of higher education in Europe within the Bologna Process, the faced challenges and to present future trends within this Process. The workshop also presented the current situation regarding the higher education priorities in BiH for 2016-2026 along with major challenges.

Radionica u okviru misije tehničke pomoći „Trenutni i budući trendovi visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i pregled stanja prioriteta razvoja visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine“
Radionica u okviru misije tehničke pomoći „Trenutni i budući trendovi visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i pregled stanja prioriteta razvoja visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine“
Radionica u okviru misije tehničke pomoći „Trenutni i budući trendovi visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i pregled stanja prioriteta razvoja visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine“