Students from the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo and the Faculty of Law in Zenica together participate in the E4U project

#e4u #UpalimoSvjetlo #LightsOn #MladostBiH #E4U_Green_Team

At the Garden City hotel congress center hotel in Konjic, the opening ceremony of the project "Outreach to Undergraduate Students E4U” is organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina. On that occasion, teams were provided with introductory information and assigned team colors to be used in their public campaigns regarding the many current socio-economic problems and challenges of our country, especially with respect to the young population. Over the course of three days, teams will be provided with directions and instructions in the course and lectures and interactive workshops in order to be more effective.

#e4u #UpalimoSvjetlo #LightsOn #MladostBiH #E4U_Green_Team

#e4u #UpalimoSvjetlo #LightsOn #MladostBiH #E4U_Green_Team
#e4u #UpalimoSvjetlo #LightsOn #MladostBiH #E4U_Green_Team
#e4u #UpalimoSvjetlo #LightsOn #MladostBiH #E4U_Green_Team