“The Role of Truth in the Reconciliation Process” Theological Open Lecture

Teološka tribina „Uloga istine u procesu pomirenja“
Datum događaja
Mjesto događaja
Vrhbosansko bogoslovno sjemenište u Sarajevu, ulica Josipa Stadlera 5 (dvorana Pavla VI.)

The Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Sarajevo organizes at the Vrhbosna Theological Seminary in Sarajevo (Josip Stadler St. 5) in the Paul VI Hall the theological open lecture “The Role of the Truth in the Reconciliation Process” on Monday, 3 December, 2018, at 20:00. The lecture will take place within the “Religion in Modern Society” program.
The lecturers are Dr. Vladislav Topalović, Dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty “St. Vasilije Ostroški” in Foča who will speak about the theme “Gaining Truth, Let's Live in Love” Eph 4:15 and Mr. Sc. Igor Žontar, professor at the Catholic School Center “Sv. Josip” in Sarajevo, who will talk about the topic “Truth and Lying in the Context of Social Ontology “. Moderator is Dr. Mario Bernadić.

Teološka tribina