3rd Year Faculty of Political Sciences Students at N1 Television

Posjeta studenata treće godine Fakulteta političkih nauka televiziji „N1“

3rd year students of the Department of Security and Peace Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo, who are enrolled in the course “Security and the Media of a Democratic Society” visited the "N1" television station in Sarajevo on Thursday, 8 November 2018. “N1” Director Amir Zukić, producer Jasmina Demirović and journalist Milica Vučetić talked about the mission of this media, editorial policy, professional standards and challenges in reporting on topics from the field of security.

Posjeta studenata treće godine Fakulteta političkih nauka televiziji „N1“
Posjeta studenata treće godine Fakulteta političkih nauka televiziji „N1“
Posjeta studenata treće godine Fakulteta političkih nauka televiziji „N1“