The Book Adaptation of Children and Adolescents in the Educational Context Published

Objavljena knjiga „Prilagodba djece i adolescenata u obrazovnom kontekstu“

Author of the book "Adaptation of children and adolescents in the educational context" Doz. Dr. Amela Dautbegović discusses the psychological theoretical and applied dimensions and processes of modern education of children and adolescents.
The emphasis is on the operationalization of the academic, personal-emotional and social adjustment of the individual in the educational context, but also the role of individual personal, family and environmental factors that play a significant role in mental health and socio-emotional development of children and adolescents. Considering the appearance of unpleasant emotional states, such as anxiety, depression, psychosomatic reactions, which are often accompanied by difficulties in adjustment, the author describes the role and importance of programs designed to improve social and emotional competencies and protect the mental health of students and teachers. Although primarily intended for future and current psychologists and implementers of educational activities, the book can be useful to all direct or indirect actors in the educational process, but also to creators of educational policy.