Visit of Music Academy students to the Historical Archive Sarajevo

Posjeta studenata Muzičke akademije Historijskom arhivu Sarajevo

On Thursday 13 June 2019, students of the first and third year at the Music Academy, University of Sarajevo visited the the Sarajevo Historical Archives, led by their professor prof. dr. Fatima Hadžić. On this occasion, they attended a special lecture on the Historical Archive of Sarajevo, its work and its significance, as well as on the archival material it preserves.

Posjeta studenata Muzičke akademije Historijskom arhivu Sarajevo
Posjeta studenata Muzičke akademije Historijskom arhivu Sarajevo
Posjeta studenata Muzičke akademije Historijskom arhivu Sarajevo
Posjeta studenata Muzičke akademije Historijskom arhivu Sarajevo