Academician Prof. Dr. Dejan Milošević “Georg Forster Research Award” Alumni

Akademik prof. dr. Dejan Milošević

Academician Prof. Dr. Dejan Milošević is one of seven researchers who will receive this year's Georg Forster Research Award given by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The Georg Forster Research Award is being honored upon researchers from developing and transition countries who have gained international recognition for their research work in addressing development-related issues. Award winners are nominated by prominent experts and researchers from Germany. Additionally, prize winners will have the opportunity to work on research projects of their choice, together with colleagues from Germany. The prize value is 60,000 euros, and the prize is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Academician Milošević, as one of the award winners will cooperate with Max Born Institute for Non-Linear Optics and Short Impulse Spectroscopy (MBI) and thus continue the long-term successful cooperation with this research institution.