Book “Multilingualism in Rumi’s Mesnevi” by Dr. Munir Drkić Promoted

Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“

A promotion of a book “Multilingualism in Rumi’s Mesnevi” by Dr. Munir Drkić was held at the University of Sarajevo on 29 March 2018. The book deals with the phenomenon of multilingualism in the Rumi’s most famous work, based on modern research into multilingualism.

UNSA Rector, prof. dr. Rifat Škrijelj in his welcome address stressed that Dr. Drkić, Persian language professor at the Department of Oriental Philology at the University of Sarajevo's Faculty of Philosophy, received the prestigious international Farabi Award for the work “Multilingualism in Rumi’s Mesnevi” in an extremely strong competition.
“This award, which is granted the auspices of Iranian President Rohany, is not only highly valued in Iran but is also an important recognition among Iranians around the world. Such awards are of utmost importance for our country and the University because they serve as a foothold for their wider recognition in the world. Writing about multilingualism in Mesnevi, the unsurpassable masterpiece of Sufi literature, it is widely read today in Europe and America” emphasized Rector.
The very book was published by the “Ibn Sina” Institute in Sarajevo in cooperation with the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy. On this occasion Mr. Nermin Hodžić, Assistant Director for International Cooperation, “Ibn Sina” Research Institute and Prof. Dr. Muhamed Dželilović, UNSA Faculty of Philosophy Dean addressed the public.

In his address, Mr. Hodžić emphasized that the Institute was greatly honored and pleased that they had the opportunity to participate and thus contribute to the promotion, affirmation and development of Bosnian science through the fact that they recognized this work as worth of publishing where anyone should be involved.

Faculty of Philosophy Dean, Prof. Dželilović emphasized that he was honored, proud of fact that he, as a newly elected dean, was able to salute another great act of improving the work of the entire vision of Oriental studies, especially linguistics, and stressed that as the Dean he would devote his mandate to further expansion and strengthening the Oriental Philology Department.

The book “Multilingualism in Rumi’s Mesnevia” was promoted by Prof. Drs. Elma Dizdar and Đenita Haverić. The attendees also had the opportunity to listen the author himself, Doz. Dr. Munir Drkić.

Prof. Dr. Đenita Haverić expressed her satisfaction with participating in the book promotion, which is the revised and amended PhD dissertation of Dr. Drkić. “The book, winner of the prestigious International Farabi Award for Best Research Project, speaks of its value. This award is of great importance, not only to the author, but also to the Department of Persian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy” said Prof. Haverić.

The book author, Prof. Drkić also addressed the attendees and stressed that such research could not have been started fifty years ago.
“Although multilingualism is an issue that has been intensively explored, studied and researched in linguistics for more than half a century, however in the last two, or three decades, a major shift in the discipline occurred. At the first, in the second half of the 20th  century to its end, and even today in some research, under multilingualism chiefly was the language systems research itself, that is, if we talk about individuals, it was talked about how well someone has mastered some or multiple languages. Today, in the linguistic perspective, the research of multilingualism has been completely changed. Today, multilingualism implies what different languages make to the individual, the influence they make on his worldview, his view of the outside world, and of course what this phenomenon of multilingualism and different languages speak about certain societies.”

Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“
Promovirana knjiga „Višejezičnost u Mesneviji Dželaluddina Rumija“